Monthly Archives: March 2010

GSOC 2010


The Google Summer of Code 2010 has announced the Mentoring organizations for this year.

It is accepting student applications from March 29,2010.


1. Find an organisation that suits your domain knowledge and interests.

2. Find an incomplete project or some new essential feature required by the product of that organisation.

3. Suggest the feature in the community. Go to the IRC of the organisation and discuss the idea with people involved in development fot the organisation. Get inputs and use them to reform the idea.

4. Apply for GSOC and keep in touch (learn about the product that you will engage yourself with in this intermidiate period) with people in the community.

Please refer this link for all details related to GSOC 2010

Please refer this link for list of mentoring organisations.

Great opportunity to go OPEN!



Outdated post 1: Microsoft Internship 2010

I long wanted to share my experience and that of my friends who tried for the Msoft intern!

First of all congrats to Naveen G of III year I.T who got selected for the Msoft intern this year.

The first round (Prelims) consisted of four questions:

1. Find the bugs in the following program:

(Below was a code that found if two linked lists were intersecting)

2.Write a program that computes the effective resistance of a given circuit. Indicate the data structures that you will use in the program.

3.Write test cases for a function that reverses a sentence by word as shown:

input: my name is vidh

output: vidh is name my

4. Give suggestions to design a remote control for Indian market.

Out of almost the entire of CS and IT only 8 were shortlisted! (GOD knows on what basis…. 😉 )

In the next round the following question was given:

A robot is used to clean the stairs. Given 3 functions

bool isthereastep(bool)

bool gotonextstep(bool)

void cleanthisstep()

Write a program to clean staircase using the robot.

In this round 4 out of 8 were eliminated.

The remaining 4 moved to the next two rounds which tested the academic base of the students.

Some questions that were asked:

1.What is run length encoding?

Then the final round tested the programming skills of the students.

Some of the questions that were asked:

1. Write a program to find if the linked list has a loop.

2. Write a program to print numbers in words as shown below:

input: 23

output: twenty three

3. Write a program to do the inverse of the above question:

input: twenty three

output: 23

(They were also asked to write critical test cases for their solution)

Overall it was an eye opener as to what the corporates expect and how it should be delivered from the students side.

Will try to add more questions that were asked during the interview.

