Monthly Archives: January 2011

Virtual Participation – The Next Big thing @ K! 2011

If Think Kurukshetra, Then think BIG!

For the past five years, Kurukshetra – the tech fest of College of Engineering,Guindy (Anna University) under the patronage of UNESCO has been growing strong. This time in 2011, we are trying to incorporate the best possible technical innovations as part of the blockbuster event. With the strong support of our generous sponsors, we are able to satisfy brains from almost all areas of science and technology.

Why should distance be a barrier to share knowledge when we are amidst the cutting edge of technology?

Virtual Participation is a humble way to answer this question at Kurukshetra 2011, the cradle of innovation. The Tech team of Kurukshetra 2011, empowered with powerful tools from CISCO, brings together bright minds across the world together to benefit from our tech fest.

Distance can’t be a barrier anymore! You can be a part of this no-match first time thrilling experience with minimal efforts and relish the lectures, conferences from your seats. If your hands itch for more things, you can do more than that. If you are thinking:

How can I contribute to Virtual participation?

Here is what you can do! Go to Virtual participation page and register as a volunteer for your Institution by answering some simple questions. That’s it. The Virtual participation team will contact you and provide every possible thing needed to organize this at your venue.

What are you waiting for!!!??? Gear up to be a part of tech innovation! Witness is not fun when u can experience the miracle! 😀

Contact Virtual Participation team @ +91 9789128780 and

Vidhoon V